15 Years of Love and Asian Cuisine at Lotus Restaurant

15 years of countless memories, happiness, and pride all bundle into Lotus restaurant. Originally known as Phil’s Kitchen, Lotus is a home to many, bringing comfort and joy to customers every time they walk in. 

Located on Oak Grove Ave. in downtown Menlo Park, the establishment serves a fusion of Chinese, Vietnamese, and Hawaiian cuisine. Take a step inside the restaurant, and owner Phil Lam can always be found behind the counter greeting customers with a smile. 

With a large and diverse menu, Lotus Restaurant offers something for everyone, and every dish is executed perfectly. Phil’s favorite dishes are the beef pho, duck fat fried rice, and the grilled short rib banh mi. The short ribs in the banh mi are “marinated for three days, naturally tenderized, and grilled to perfection” and when you take a bite it is a “party in your mouth.” Clearly shown that hard work and love goes into every bite of the dish. 

With fantastic food comes a fantastic story. 20 years ago, Phil’s parents, Steve and Diana Lam, lost their jobs working in the restaurant industry. While dreaming of owning their own restaurant, they spent five years working for other people. In an effort to bring back the family pride, Phil gifted the restaurant to his parents, restoring their dreams. “They were happy. They were so proud of me,” Phil said. 

Inside Lotus Restaurant.

Phil has created bonds with many regular customers and seen kids grow up during his 15 years owning Lotus. “It just brightens up our day. It felt like a thousand kids came in and every day you see them grow, and some of those kids I saw for a couple of years,” he said.

Phil’s favorite memory with a regular is a golf player at Oregon State University who would eat at Lotus when he played against Stanford all four years. A few years after he graduated, he returned to Lotus and still remembered Phil.

“He grew up. He changed a little bit, but he still has the same attitude and personality. We immediately hugged each other—it was sparks, and it was magical. That feeling is rare to have years later,” Phil said.

It is shown that over the years, Lotus isn’t just a restaurant to get amazing food, but also a place with heart and soul. The next time you walk into this restaurant, stored with amazing memories and interactions, feel all the love and joy around it. 

Miya is a sophomore in her first year of journalism. She is very thrilled to write about pop culture and events happening locally.