Trick or Treat Street 2016

At the 2016 annual Trick or Treat Street, families are welcomed to M-A to celebrate Halloween and dress up in their favorite costumes. At this fun family event, children can trick-or-treat through the classrooms or play a variety of games on the green. Watch the video below to check out this year’s Trick or Treat Street!

Erica Miner is a senior, this will be her second year on staff and first year as the media specialist. She enjoys photography and film and focuses on multimedia production. For her last year of high school, she hopes to contribute unique and meaningful content.

Hi, my name is Lynn Butzlaff. I am a junior at M-A and this is my first year working on the Chronicle. I've always loved writing; I enjoy crafting my own narratives and am excited that journalism provides the opportunity to share others' stories. Besides writing, my other hobbies include skiing and horseback riding.