Day four: voter registration

In the fourth day of activism week, the M-A student body came together once again to provide a convenient way for students to register to vote, emphasizing the importance of exercising your right to vote in the fight for change.

Senior Holly Newman noted that “voting…is the follow through on your beliefs, it’s really what makes change, because what matters is who’s in office making decisions. We had over 1,000 people at the walkout and I love that but we have to follow it up with the less glamorous yet equally important job of voting.”

Holly Newman helps students with online voter registration.

The teacher liaison for activism week, Linda Schloss, firmly believes that students “have the power to change the world. I’ve always said…that I’m teaching future leaders. If you aren’t happy, I know it feels powerless, but voting makes change and this is how you do it. You don’t like what’s happening? you vote for new people. I hate it when students say ‘there’s nothing we can do,’ because no, there’s everything to do!”

For students who couldn’t make it today, register or pre-register to vote here. If you will be 18 by November, you can vote in the Congressional midterms.

Tomorrow, for the final day of activism week, students will create altars to the victims of the Parkland shooting on the green at lunch.