Community Memorial Remembers Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy

1 min read

Many have mourned the loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, known for her passionate dissents and fondly called “the Notorious RBG”. Menlo Park resident Nick S. created an interactive memorial in front of his house, commemorating the life, legacy, and impact of Ginsburg within the local Menlo Park community.

Located on 139 Dunsmuir Way, viewers can walk up to the large banner that reads “Thank you RBG” tethered between two trees along the sidewalk. Equipped with hand sanitizer, multicolored pens, square pieces of fabric, and safety pins, passersby are invited to add their own personalized note to the ever-growing mosaic.

Nick explains, “I wanted to create a space for people to come together to grieve the loss of the honorable RBG, as I believe we humans heal from loss when we can voice our grief and support each other.” When asked about the intent behind the memorial, Nick says, “This project is one small way to encourage people to think about the legacy of RBG and what we each can do to take up her mantle and pick up where she has left us.”

These notes for RBG and the country come from people of all ages. On the younger end, one writes, “Thank you for making things more fair for everybody,” decorated with rainbows and multiple hearts holding hands. Another note reflects on Ginsburg’s impact on the older generation: “Thank you, in immeasurable amounts, for my generation—and those to come. May we live your wisdom.” 

With over 40 notes, the project continues to evolve with each new message, demonstrating the multifaceted impact of Ginsburg’s legacy within the community. Some notes commend her ethics and influence, writing, “Thank you for fighting for those with less power… for making ‘bookish, incremental, and progressive’ icons of strength.” Others hope that her legacy is continued through political action: “To an inspiration and a true hero: RBG Rest in Peace. Now we must pick up where she left off! #VOTE.”

Kari Trail is a senior and first-year journalist with the Chronicle. She is excited to assist with art, design, and feature articles, hoping to learn more about her local community through a creative lens.

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