Varsity Dance Team practices their rally dance.

Dance Team Smiles With Every Step

“Dance Team is like a family. We’re all sisters, it’s really important that we all have such a strong bond with each other,” sophomore Siya Singla said. Led by seniors and captains Tessa Goldman, Zoe Fong, and Lainey Egnal, M-A’s Dance Team brings unmatched spirit and energy to football and basketball games, rallies, and their end-of-year show. 

Dance Team is a large commitment being one of only two year-round sports at M-A. The team begins tryouts in May and practices throughout the summer. These practices include spirit days. “Summer spirit weeks are a way to get the energy up for everyone. You have to dress up and we all go all out. It’s a good way to be more comfortable together,” Goldman said.

The Dance Team dresses up for Pink Out Day during summer practices.

Dances are choreographed and taught by captains for varsity and by officers for JV. This year’s officers are senior Aliyah Chowdhary-Fitton, senior Kaitlin Harding, and junior Micaela Rubinsky. At practice, the teams learn dances and formations and “clean” their routines, practicing until each dance is perfect. 

The Dance Team on the sidelines.

Dance Team cheers on the football team from the sidelines during the first quarter of games then performs at half-time. “We bring it all out on the field. That’s what we practice for, that’s what we work for,” Singla said. 

The captains make constant efforts to increase team chemistry. One way this is done is through big-little sisters when an upperclassman on varsity gets paired with an underclassman from either team. Big sisters bond with their little sisters, helping them navigate their way through the Dance Team. “I feel like we’re really close and comfortable with each other,” freshman Sara Martinez said. 

Harding (middle) shows off her matching socks with little sisters, sophomores Leila Semichi (left) and Lila Weber (right).

Toward the end of every year, the Dance Team shows off their talent and hard work in their annual dance show. They announce the next year’s captains and officers and perform for a sold-out crowd. 

 “Dance Team is all about being energetic and positive. We won’t put a dance out on the field unless everyone has a smile on their face,” Goldman said. “Our energy goes up when we have the hype of the crowd. People cheering for us keeps us going throughout the whole dance.”