The Marine Biology class recently dissected squid and then enjoyed a meal of self cooked calamari. To include a competitive edge, the group with the best tasting calamari won extra credit points. This lab was an enjoyable experience for marine biology students, allowing them to apply what they had learned about marine organisms through dissecting the squid. As senior Kas Letchinski exclaimed, “What other class are you going to make calamari in?”

“In marine bio we learn about all the different ecosystems of the ocean and all the animals that live there,” explained Erika Shepard, the Marine Biology teacher. This lab gave students the opportunity to get a hands on experience looking at the anatomy of organisms they had studied in class. “We spend a lot of time on invertebrates — so that’s why we are doing the squid lab,” Shepard added.

As well as informative this lab is also a welcomed break for students before finals. As senior Kate Stoneham described, marine biology is a class where “We’re learning about life, but in a fun way.”