Jam-packed with exams, finals week can be a time of overwhelming stress. Taking care of yourself should always be a priority, even when cramming for a test. Bears shared how they feel going into finals week and how they practice self-care.
Rowan Jamal

Nervous for his first high school finals week, freshman Rowan Jamal has come up with various ways to prepare. “I’m focusing on putting all my energy into my homework so I can do better on my finals,” he said.
“I think going to the gym and any exercise helps me focus,” Jamal said. “Also focusing on your friends, since they are there to support you.” Jamal will spend his week trying to indulge in his favorite hobbies and seeking support from his peers.
Nicolas Sandoval

To ease his nerves, freshman Nicolas Sandoval plans to get more rest. “This year, I want to not do as many high-energy sports so I can focus on finals and do my best,” he said. Sandoval plans on walking, listening to music, and hanging out with his dog.
“I think it would probably be better if M-A prioritized the self-care aspect of finals week. There’s a lot of stress involved and recognizing it would be good,” Sandoval said.
Jasmine Abedi and Elena Kunze Briseño

Sophomores Jasmine Abedi and Elena Kunze Briseño agree they know what to expect this finals season. “I make sure that I spend a lot of time with my friends and family to subside from the fact that we have such a stressful week,” Abedi said.
“When I study, I make sure to take a lot of breaks, but I try to make them productive breaks, so I practice my dance team routines,” Kunze added. The two also noted that motivating activities like quick naps and looking forward to something every day help them power through.
Izzy Zohar

Senior Izzy Zohar is nearing her last finals season at M-A. “I always go to the library every day after school with my friends to work, and it’s a good mixture of both fun and studying,” Zohar said. She is also motivated by the upcoming holidays.