Girls Flag Football Team Kicks Off Their First Season

After a week-long tryout process, the highly anticipated M-A girls’ flag football rosters have been announced and the varsity and junior varsity seasons will soon be underway. The players, who have been practicing since June, are coached by AP Psychology and World History teacher Jason Knowles, who has been coaching football on and off since 1993.

Knowles talking over a play with the JV team.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing how much the team improves week to week,” Knowles said. “They’ve already come so far since we started practices in June. Their growth, in terms of skill and understanding of the game, has been exponential. This sport requires camaraderie and trust.”

The practices, which typically last from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., have given players time to bond as teammates and as friends. “My favorite part of being on the team is the environment,” said junior wide receiver and quarterback Bailee van Loben Sels. “We all connect very well, which makes practices so much fun and something I look forward to.” 

“At first I joined to get P.E. credits, but I love the new friendships I have made while getting to play a new sport,” said junior Samantha Ruiz. “The team spirit we have and support we give each other is amazing.”

Despite flag football taking almost two years to arrive at M-A, players who have long loved the sport outside of school can’t wait to start playing. “I joined the team because I enjoyed playing the sport informally before,” senior wide receiver and cornerback Sara Djafari said. “It’s super great to have a team at M-A because it has brought together so many athletes from other sports.”

The varsity team reviewing their practice.

“I love the sport and I have a big football family, so when flag football was finally a thing here, I knew I wanted to play,” van Loben Sels added.

The team plans to compete in many tournaments, including matchups with familiar schools like Burlingame and Menlo. “I can’t wait to utilize our plays and defensive strategies against other teams this year,” Djafari said. “Everyone is super athletic, and we will grow and adjust as players throughout the season.”

Coming to games and sending donations through their MySchoolBucks page will improve funding for equipment and additional tournaments throughout the teams exciting first season. “The most important thing anyone can do is be at the games. We’d love to have as many cheering fans as possible,” Knowles said.

The team will take the turf for the first time in a tournament against Oakland Tech on September 7 at 7:15 p.m. Tune in for the full schedule here.

Jonathan is a senior in his second year of journalism. He enjoys writing stories about sports and events on campus. In his free time, he loves watching and playing sports.