Get to Know This Year’s 12th Man

12th Man is back! 12th Man is a group of six spirited seniors who represent the front of the student section and are ready for an energetic and fun-filled year. Meet the new squad and learn what they have in store for M-A.

Caroline Bergan

Why are you a valuable member of the team?

“I’m really loud and content in embarrassing myself. Fear of judgment is not in the books for me and I’m very spirited and assertive.”

What are you most excited for this year?

“I’m especially excited for our Sacred Heart game because I know a lot of people who go there, and I want to rub it in their face when we beat them.”

What is your favorite theme?

“My favorite theme is USA because I love to go all out in red, white, and blue. You better believe you’ll see me in an Alexander Hamilton outfit this year at the game.”

EB Hoffman

Why did you decide to try out for 12th Man?

“My family is a big football family, so I grew up watching it and love the sport. Also, being a three-sport athlete I understand how important it is to have spirit on the sidelines. To have people on the stands that want the win as much as the team does really influences the performance, and I want to be a part of that.”

What is your favorite theme?

“My favorite theme is blackout because it’s so intimidating. It looks really powerful when you look into the stands and see everyone in black.”

Kasra Motamedi

Why are you a valuable member of the team?

“I think I’m an important member of the team because I bring smarts and the brain behind a lot of things that we do. In general, though, no one really has a distinct role and we collaborate on most of the things we are in charge of, like Instagram captions and themes. I consider myself a good team player.”

What are you looking for in the student section this year?

“The most important thing for the student section is honestly just attendance. Especially for the juniors, because we have to nominate them for next year, and we aren’t going to pick people that don’t attend the games or put in effort.”

Ruby Pence

Why did you decide to try out for 12th Man?

“I didn’t go to M-A in my freshman year, but I still went to the football games and they became the highlight of my weekends because of how pumped up they were. So, when I transferred to M-A, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to be a part of the group that brings a lot of joy and excitement to these social events.”

Why are you a valuable member of the team?

“I love dressing for the themes and going very all out, and I am loud so I can lead a lot of chants. My younger sister is a freshman so I love connecting with all the grades at games because it is important for 12th Man to include everyone, not just upperclassmen.”

Bobby Redmond

Why did you decide to join 12th Man?

“I wanted to support all my high school teams. I feel like 12th Man has the most support for football because it is probably the biggest sport, but I have friends on the water polo team and the baseball team and I’m gonna be going to all of those games. 12th Man gives me a platform to tell people to go to more games and post about other sports to help them get more attention, which is pretty awesome.”

Why are you a valuable member of the team?

“I care about it a lot and it takes a lot of my time and attention. I think I bring a lot of hype to the team.”

What are you looking for from the student section this year?

“The student section needs to show up. No one showed up to the stands for game one, and I know it wasn’t a night game, but I need to see much more attendance in the future. I’ll be heading out to Monterey on Friday and I don’t expect people to come to that, but it would be fire if they did.”

Casey Watkins

Why did you decide to try out for 12th Man?

“I wanted to join 12th Man because my friend JJ Jones did it in my freshman year. He would always talk about how he thought I would be a great fit and that I should be a part of it in my senior year. I know that I’m a very sociable person and so I also thought I would be good at influencing the student section.”

What are you most looking forward to this year?

“I am most excited to be dominant in football games, but also to see the M-A community come together in the face of such a hard couple months with the passing of both Omar and Dylan. Dylan was a big piece of the student section and Omar was obviously huge for the football team. Seeing the connection between the football team and the student section this year is going to be really special.”

What advice do you have for juniors who are interested in joining 12th Man next year?

“You better show up to all the sporting events that you can. We are always looking and keeping our eyes open, so if you’re there and you bring the energy every game, that’ll up your chances a lot.”

Kitty is a senior in her second year of journalism. She enjoys writing about culture on campus and designing for the Marks, and is proud of coming up with the theme for last year's summer Mark.