Style Watch: First Day Fits

With the new school year comes a new wave of fashion trends and popular styles. To see what these trends might look like and what new styles appeared over the summer, we walked around campus and spotted students with unique outfits. We found a lot of casual, chill attire with lots of Birkenstocks and thrifted denim. See for yourself below:

Junior Casey St. Clair rocks his “relaxing but comfortable” outfit on the Green. It includes thrifted jeans from Savers, Boston Birkenstock Clogs, and a graphic t-shirt from Blue Bin Vintage, a vintage store in downtown Palo Alto where St. Clair works. 

Seniors Joanna Vargas and Natalie Frausto showed up and showed out for their last first day of high school. Vargas described her outfit, which featured a bow-patterned Shein tank top and a pink cardigan, blue Aeropostale jeans, and chunky white Converse, as “cute, simple, and coquette.” Frausto, in a brown top and blue jeans from Garage, described her outfit as “cute, basic, and aesthetic.” She finishes off her look with trendy New Balance sneakers.

Freshman Vanessa Polly shines bright in a purple tank top from popular brand Natural Life and thrifted jean shorts. While some people like to carefully plan out their outfits for the first day of a new school year, Polly said she “didn’t put a lot of thought into it.” Keeping the casual vibe going, she wears brand new Birkenstocks as the outfit’s final element.

Wearing a Ross t-shirt and blue cargo jeans, sophomore Angelica Adams strolls through the F-wing in what she called a “chill, calm outfit.” Her long brown and pink braids accentuate her stylish outfit. “My hair was done by my friend, and I love it!” she said.