Hats might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of winter fashion, but for many, they are the ultimate year-round accessory that adds extra personality to an outfit. Whether for style, comfort, or memorabilia, students and staff show off their favorite hats for school.

Senior Marlyn Palafox sports a black hat with gold lettering referencing the song “Your Obedient Servant” from Hamilton. Palafox received this stylish hat from a Hamilton swag bag after seeing the musical, and it now serves as a reminder of the memory. “The song it references is always stuck in a loop in my head,” Palafox said.

Senior Gabriel Wright sports a gray thrifted hat with an animal in black thread on the front. Wright thrifted this hat from Ebay. “I got it for really cheap,” Wright said. This hat’s primary purpose is not just style. “I like how it keeps my hair out of my eyes,” Wright said.

Sophomore Audrey Chao rocks a beige bucket hat with mini bears stitched on. This hat reveals Chao’s creative and playful style and matches her shirt with a similar cartoon bear. “I like that the bears match the bear on my shirt,” Chao said.

Sophomore Maverick Chotai sports a light blue Arc’teryx beanie with gray fossil detailing. This comfy accessory is perfect for staying warm while adding a touch of style to an everyday look. “I really like the color and little details,” Chotai said.

Campus security aide Paul Barbosa likes to stay comfortable with a cozy beanie. Barbosa wears a gray beanie with a black symbol of the Juventus soccer team topped with a dark gray pom-pom. “It represents my favorite soccer team,” Barbosa said.