Teachers and students clash opinions on the new bell schedules

Over the past two months, two new bell schedules were piloted for the 2018-2019 school year. After piloting both schedules, students, staff, and parents took a survey to express which of the two schedules they preferred — Schedule N or Schedule H. The results of the survey were posted on Canvas.

Teachers and students both agreed that Flex time is the better alternative to SSR. Flex Time allowed students who were behind in classes to seek help from any of their teachers during class instead of sacrificing lunch or after school time. It was designed for students who miss a test, or for athletes who constantly miss class due to games. They also both preferred that Flex Time is immediately before lunch, as opposed to other times during the day.

In a choice between two and four block days, students favored the four block day schedule while teachers favored two. Four block days gives students less homework, since they only see their teachers three times a week. The schedule also allows longer lessons to be taught.

Teachers may have voted for two block days because the four block days felt less effective. Since many teachers have set their lesson plans for the existing schedule, reworking new lesson plans required significant energy for the quadruple block days.

Lara Sandora, Chair of the Bell Schedule Committee, explained that the survey helps the teachers reflect on what the students and parents have voted. This information will help the staff vote, which will provide additional information for admin before a final decision is made. “We’re reading through [the feedback] and we’re trying to make some minor adjustments before they are voted on,” Sandora said.

The staff vote took place online yesterday and today. If the vote is conclusive, a decision may be released to students as early as Wednesday, April 4.

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Isabela Villa is a senior, and she is co-editor in chief for the M-A Chronicle. She enjoys writing about student life in the M-A community, and she hopes to spread insightful information through the website and her peers.

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