How to make homemade popsicles
- Ingredients: sugar, orange juice, type of popsicle mold.
- Pour sugar and the juice together and boil, mixing the sugars
- Transfer liquid into a bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes
Pour into popsicle molds freeze until solid (six hours)
Have a picnic at the beach
Make Tie Dye Shirts
- Materials: rubber gloves, bucket to mix, pitcher to mix, cups, measuring cups and measuring teaspoons, t-shirt, dye powder, and cup dye fixer.
- Wash the shirt.
- In a bucket mix cup dye fixer in warm water.
- Soak Fabric in bucket.
- Place wet shirt on flat surface and fold, bend, and twist the shirt into the pattern you want.
- Prepare dye water by putting dye powder into water.
- Soak t-shirt.
- Dry.