Destination Day: Wear Your Future!

Friday, May 12th was M-A’s annual Destination Day, where seniors represented their future plans and mingled with their graduating class. Seniors wore shirts and jackets to show off their post-secondary plans and met in the PAC Cafe during their English period to enjoy donuts, decorate windows, and adorn walls with #MAHSDESTINATIONDAY posters. The day was filled with excitement for what the future holds along with reminiscence of their favorite M-A memories. The class of ‘23 is only weeks away from graduation, and here’s what they’re up to:

Students decorating Destination Day posters.

What are your plans for next year?

Anjali Freund explained, “I’m going to Cal Poly SLO next year—I’m super excited to meet new people and I’m glad that I will be staying pretty close to home.” Jennifer Chavez added, “I am going to Cañada College next year and transferring out.” Will Marsh is planning on taking a gap year next year. “I am going to try and get an internship with an investment banking firm as well as get a job with a humanitarian agency to travel the world,” he said.

The PAC Cafe During Destination Day

What are you most excited for next year?

Many seniors explained they were most excited to meet new people and try new things. Sam Ha, who will be attending Harvard University next year, said, “I am excited to have more freedom next year both socially and academically. It’s going to be really fun to be more independent.” Billy Johnson, who’s off to Wagner College next year, explained, “My school is in New York City, so I am excited to just be in the city which will be really different from here. I am also playing football next year so I am excited to play with my new teammates.” AJ Clemendor is planning on getting a job after graduation, and said, “I am really excited to be done with school next year and be able to focus on what I am really interested in.”

Carla Cronin and Becca Schulman

What is something you will miss about M-A? 

Of course, all the seniors will miss their friends no matter how far they’re moving. Freund explained, “I’ve met some of my best friends at M-A so it’s definitely going to be a tough goodbye.” Chavez  said, “I will miss AVID, my close friends, and some of my teachers, but I am excited to make my own schedule next year while staying close to home.” 

What’s your favorite memory from M-A?

Destination Day Wall

Every senior shared something unique for this question! “My favorite memory was the Homecoming Rally freshman year when the bear’s head fell off in a fight with the Sacred Heart Gator,” said Freund. Amelia Poirier, who will be attending Vassar College to play lacrosse, explained, “The U.S.-themed football game this year was by far my favorite memory from M-A.” Ha said that his favorite memory was going to basketball games. “I remember last year at the boys senior night game, Ishaan [Mishra] scored the last point of the game and the crowd stormed the court. That game was really cool because everyone was screaming and cheering so much.”

Ella Ahn was a senior at M-A. She enjoyed writing about sports and her community. Ella enjoyed spending time with friends and traveling to new places. She was an officer on M-A Dance Team and was a competitive dancer outside of school.