Class of 2023’s Guide to Surviving M-A

2 mins read

The past four years for 2023’s senior class have been unconventional, to say the least. From COVID-19 cutting freshman year short to Zoom classes throughout sophomore year to returning in person for junior and senior year, the class of ‘23 has been through it all. As they embark on their last semester of high school, the seniors give some advice on how they survived high school.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

The advice many seniors wish they received was to prioritize school more. For freshmen, senior year might seem like light years away, but we promise it goes by fast, and it’s best to learn good study habits sooner rather than later. “Make a schedule during senior year to balance applications, school, and social life,” senior Jasira Johnson recommended. Reach out to teachers, set goals, and work hard to prepare yourself for more challenging classes. Senior Adrian Arreola said, “Reach out for help more and make use of the tutors and resources M-A has for you. I didn’t really start using them until later, and I wish I knew how helpful tutors were earlier.”

What’s your biggest regret in high school?

High school is all about trying new things, making mistakes, and learning from them. Arreola explained, “My biggest regret in high school was probably dating. I wish I just enjoyed the time with my friends instead of trying to be in a relationship sometimes.” Senior Manuel Aguilar said, “I regret not participating in school activities sooner because I do now.” Make the most of high school by getting involved in events and groups on campus—go to a football game or join a new club!  

What is something you will miss the most about high school?

“My favorite part about high school was all the memories I made and the social aspects of it, so I am definitely going to miss all the people the most. I made a lot of lifelong friends and got to know people that I probably wouldn’t be close to if I didn’t connect with them in class,” Johnson explained. A great way to meet new people outside of class is extracurriculars. Aguilar said, “I really liked being on the track-and-field team because I made a lot of friends and it’s really fun.”

What will you miss the least about high school?

As fun as high school can be, it still is school, which has plenty of ups and downs. Arreola said, “One thing I definitely won’t miss is doing homework and taking tests.” Similarly, Johnson said, “My least favorite thing about high school was AP testing.” While this may sound discouraging now, hard classes are worth it and will benefit you in the long run. Johnson also added, “One thing I am not going to miss is hall sweeps.” I have to agree with Jasira on this one! I will not miss speedwalking from the B-wing to the Portables while listening to “Walking on Sunshine” blare through the speakers.

Ella Ahn was a senior at M-A. She enjoyed writing about sports and her community. Ella enjoyed spending time with friends and traveling to new places. She was an officer on M-A Dance Team and was a competitive dancer outside of school.

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