Find your Rhythm with Guitar Class

Playing guitar is a skill that can take you many places, from shredding a solo in front of a crowded audience to strumming along to your favorite song in your bedroom. The problem is, it can be difficult to begin the process, especially when trying to learn on your own. Brooke Steele’s Guitar course is a solution to this dilemma.

Steele said, “I want students who take my class to enjoy playing music and learn the music theory required to play whatever they want. Learning music is difficult, but in a fun way. If you need to get your art credit, music is a great way to go about it. It’s social, it’s creative, it’s intellectual; it checks all the boxes.”

The day I visited, Steele taught the Circle of Fifths, an idea in music theory which organizes musical keys and helps musicians to create harmony. Then, she guided the class through playing the major scale. Finally, the class broke up into their song groups to keep practicing their chosen songs.

“Guitar class is a relaxing part of the day,” said junior Nat Barman. “I didn’t know how to play guitar at the beginning of the year, but I’ve gotten a lot better. I can play full songs now.”

At the start of each period, every student gets a guitar in order to follow along with the lesson. Sometimes, students take these guitars to play during brunch or lunch.

The course is open to players of all levels and grades. Junior Sergio Ramirez said, “I knew a good amount of guitar before starting. It’s a nice, laid back class where you can learn everything at your own pace.” There are two levels of guitar, Guitar II is for more experienced players while Guitar I is for beginners, though they both happen in the same period.

Ramirez continued, “I think others should take the class. It’s a great way to get your art credit.”

Students can choose which songs they want to learn in Guitar. According to senior Josh Calonje, “Each semester, we’re randomly put into groups to pick a song together. The song we choose goes into a pool. Then, we all individually pick a song from that pool and get sorted into new groups. Everyone gets to perform the songs they choose.” Calonje’s group is playing “Sparks” by Coldplay. He said, “It’s cool but hard.”

At the end of each semester, Steele puts together a concert where students can show off the songs they’ve been learning to friends and family.

Additionally, students can use the skills from guitar class to learn songs on their own or write new music. Steele said, ”Lots of students make their own music or are in bands.” In fact, Hermanos De Oro, the reigning champion of M-A’s Battle of the Bands, first formed in M-A’s guitar class.

If you want a fun, relaxing class that fulfills a graduation requirement while also teaching you a lifelong skill, you might want to consider signing up for Guitar. If you have any questions, make sure to stop by Steele’s room in S-1.

Collin is a senior at M-A in his second year of journalism. In addition to helping run the website, he enjoys writing about current events, politics, and issues relevant to the M-A community. He's also a member of M-A's debate team. In his free time, Collin likes to play guitar and hang out with friends.