
Out of Their League: Student Athletes Switch Sports in Contest of Champions

1 min read

M-A is home to many talented athletes who have spent years honing their skills to reach mastery in their respective sports. But that’s boring! Everyone knows that a baseball player can throw a ball well. But what about playing kickball? Award-winning athletes leapt outside of their comfort zones and thrived at M-A’s Contest of Champions. Here’s a recap of the first round of the tournament.

Soccer vs. Cross-Country: Badminton

For the first game of the event, girls cross-country crossed paths with boys varsity soccer in a game of badminton. As expected, both teams were good on their feet, but soccer ultimately ended on top with a 3-0 win. 

Basketball vs. Tennis: Kickball

In a nail-biting match that came down to the last moments of the game, boys varsity basketball defeated boys varsity tennis with a score of 14-12. The tennis team seemed lost without their rackets.

Boys baseball takes on boys volleyball in handball.

Baseball vs. Volleyball: Handball

In another riveting game, boys varsity baseball defeated boys varsity volleyball 9-7. 

Senior Shawn Pagee said, “We always try to prove that baseball is the hardest sport and that baseball players are the most athletic. We prove that by playing new sports we’ve never played before.”

Senior Joaquin Baranchuk and Pagee had a combined score of eight goals out of their team’s total of nine. 

Lacrosse vs. Track: Soccer

Track and lacrosse faced each other in soccer. The track stars might be better at running, but the lacrosse team’s teamwork put them on top, with a final score of 2-1.

Boys lacrosse takes boys track head-to-head in soccer.


Lacrosse vs. Soccer: Volleyball

Both teams were well outside their comfort zones, but lacrosse ultimately succumbed to the soccer in their semifinal match of volleyball. Maybe soccer players can use their hands. 

Basketball vs. Baseball: Ultimate Frisbee

In the last semifinal game, basketball and baseball faced off in ultimate frisbee. Although the baseball team had the advantage in throwing, they lost 6-5 to the basketball team’s teamwork and clutch plays.

Junior Lucas Selvik, a Leadership student who helped organize the event, said, “These teams have played together for this whole year. We’re celebrating all the different sports we have at M-A. In this event, everyone can get together with their former or current teammates to compete and have fun.”

The finals, between boys soccer and basketball, is set to take place on Friday during lunch on the Green. They will compete in the Gladiator Games: tug-of-war, chariot racing, and more. Make sure to show up and join in on the fun!

Collin is a senior at M-A in his second year of journalism. In addition to helping run the website, he enjoys writing about current events, politics, and issues relevant to the M-A community. He's also a member of M-A's debate team. In his free time, Collin likes to play guitar and hang out with friends.

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