Writing Projects and Art Activities with the Alt Journal Club

Among M-A’s many interesting clubs, the Alternative Journalism (Alt Journal) Club offers a unique way of expressing your creativity and a relaxing social experience. 

The Alt Journal Club hosts fun activities and projects every Thursday at lunch in C-12. Despite its name, it is much more than just a journalism club. Club President and Sophomore Audrey Majzun said, “It’s about making journalism more accessible for people who don’t just want to write an article.” Through art projects, videos, and writing activities, members can get involved in journalism on a smaller scale.

“Alt Journal is about finding alternative ways to express yourself through art and creativity.”

Luke Skoskiewicz

Activities in the Alt Journal Club vary. Senior and club member Luke Skoskiewicz said his favorite club project was an art piece showcasing “a series of post-nuclear war landscapes of different United States cities.” Majzun’s favorite project was a “scene about dirty pick-up lines and why you shouldn’t use them.” 

Skoskiewicz’ Post-Nuclear Landscapes

“We provide an alternative venue to express ideas,” said Skoskiewicz. “We create a community for people who want to feel like they belong somewhere,” Majzun added.

Alt Journal can also be a great learning experience for topics beyond what is taught in classes at M-A. Majzun said, “I’ve learned about cultural exchange beyond just ethnicity. For example, one project focused on queer education.”

Students can choose all kinds of topics for their projects. Majzun said, “You can be very deep, or very sarcastic and hilarious.” 

The club is a welcoming environment for all people who want to create and share. Majzun said, “It’s more about having fun and creating a community, rather than just pushing out information.” 

The Alt Journal Club can serve as a great entry into journalism and gives students the chance to create projects that they could not make in other classes. 

Jace is a sophomore, and this is her first year in journalism. She hopes to write about local issues that impact M-A students and beyond to provide insight on ways we can improve as a school and community together. In her free time, she reads a variety of articles relating to local, national, and international news.