Paranoia and Popcorn: Hitchcock Film Festival

The Stanford Theatre, a local independent theater on University Avenue that shows classics of Hollywood’s Golden Age, is celebrating spring with a months-long Hitchcock film showing for only $7 per ticket. 

Alfred Hitchcock was a renowned director who pioneered suspense in his films. He has directed classics such as Rear Window, North By Northwest, and Rebbecca. Hitchcock is regarded by many as one of the premier filmmakers of the 20th century—he invented many editing methods and filmmaking techniques, such as the dolly zoom.  

Inside the Stanford Theatre.

I checked out the showing of Vertigo, which was a bewildering yet intriguing film. The mystery, set in San Francisco, follows an ex-detective with a fear of heights—hence the name “Vertigo.” He is hired to investigate the wife of a rich man, who is thought to be possessed by the ghost of one of her ancestors. Personally, I don’t think it was his best work; I found it to be quite contrived because of the erratic pacing and odd script, but it was still enjoyable due to Hitchcock’s signature dramatic camera work. 

The theater’s vintage ambiance and opulent decor made watching this film even more enthralling, taking viewers back into the era of the movie. The night closed with an impressive performance of the massive Wurlitzer Organ occupying a large portion of the wall.

The showing will end on June 8th, so be sure to come enjoy a film while you still can.

Mackenzie is a junior at M-A and in her first year of journalism. She’s interested in writing about a variety of topics, especially those concerning our community here at school. She enjoys reading, hanging out with friends, doing art, and participating in theatre.