
A New AP World Teacher on Campus: Ms. Sani

1 min read

Amira Sani, M-A’s newest AP World teacher, wants to create an environment that makes her students excited to come to class and learn. Sani said, “I would hope for my classroom to be a place where laughter and joy is cultivated.”

Sani’s parents immigrated from Indonesia in the 1970s after her uncle got a job at the Defense Language Institute as the head of the Asian Language Department during the Cold War. “That’s what brought my dad’s side of the family into the United States,” she said.

Sani attended her local community college, Monterey Peninsula College, before transferring to Santa Clara University, where she majored in communications and graduated in 2015. She later earned her masters in teaching at the University of Southern California in 2019. Sani then taught World History for five years at Everest Public High School before landing at M-A.

This is Sani’s first year teaching AP World History, but she looks forward to teaching about the things she learned as an AP World student in high school—including the Silk Road, which she found particularly interesting. “I think it’s really interesting to see how thoughts, ideas, and materials were traded amongst the places along the Silk Road.I also felt like I was able to see myself in the curriculum when they talked about trading spices in Indonesia.”

Sani wants to make students enthusiastic about learning and coming into the classroom. “I love seeing that sparkle in students’ eyes anytime they make a connection from what we’re learning in class back to something in their lives,” she said.

Outside of school, Sani enjoys daily exercise. She starts her days with an early morning 30-minute uphill walk, which energizes her and makes her feel ready for the day. “Whether I’m in a good mood or a bad mood, I always feel better after a workout,” she said. 

Overall, Sani is very excited to be at M-A because of its active environment and how involved students are in extracurriculars. “It’s so cool to hear about what kids are up to and there are so many things that they can be doing,” she said.

D’Anjou Libunao is a sophomore in his first year in journalism. He enjoys writing reviews on popular media like movies, music, and more! Outside of school he loves spending time with friends.

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