
Brains, Freud, and Cognitive Dissonance: The Psychology Club at M-A

1 min read

Over 100 clubs participated in M-A’s recent Club Rush, including the new Psychology Club.

I attended a club meeting and was delighted by the warm and welcoming atmosphere. Co-presidents Allegra Hoddie* and Varsha Sripadham, as well as vice president Maya Rozelle, presented an intriguing presentation about the psychology of personalities.  “There are more thorough personality tests than the Myers-Brigg test,” Hoddie explained in her presentation.  

Sripadham said, “Over the summer, Allegra and I had the idea to start the Psychology Club because we are both interested in psychology, and we also thought this is something that a lot of people are curious about.” M-A offers both Psychology and AP Psychology as courses, but because the classes are so popular, it’s hard to get a spot. “The classes have a really long waitlist. We wanted to get involved with the topic in case people couldn’t get a spot or because people didn’t take the class. Clearly, there is a lot of interest in psychology at M-A.” The Psychology Club gives students an opportunity to learn about psychology despite not being able to take the class.

“In our club, we look at different psychological phenomenons. We look at different case studies and things that happen in our day-to-day lives that pertain to psychology. We analyze and explain it,” Sripadham said. Psychology presents a range of different topics to talk about, such as problem-solving, relationships, and personal growth. Each club meeting has a different topic.

The Psychology Club is looking forward to the rest of the school year and many exciting club meetings ahead. “We hope to give people a general understanding of psychology as a field and how it relates to our everyday lives. It’s particularly interesting because it’s related to a lot of different career paths people can go into. It’s a universal field,” Sripadham said. “We’re looking forward to presenting on all of these different topics, learning more about the world around us, and figuring out what people are interested in and how we can support that interest in our club,” she said. 

If you’re interested in joining the Psychology Club, follow @ma.psychclub on Instagram and join their Remind with the code mapsych23. The club meets every Tuesday at lunch in G-16.

*Hoddie is a journalist for the Chronicle.

Jenna is a sophomore and this is her first year of journalism. She is excited to write about activities and news surrounding M-A and the local community. In her free time, Jenna likes to create art and hang out with friends and family.

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