Breaking: SUHSD Schools to Close Starting Monday

by Nate Viotti and Sathvik Nori

On Friday, the Sequoia Union High School District (SUHSD) sent an email to all parents and community members announcing that all schools in the district will transition to Distance Learning starting Monday, March 16th. Campuses will be closed for “whole classroom-based instruction” but will remain open to staff and select student services.

Teachers will use Canvas, the district’s learning management system (LMS), to provide assignments and instruction to students. District staff members will continue to come to their respective campuses to establish and implement Distance Learning curricula and continue training in Distance Learning technology. 

In a separate email from Principal Simone Rick-Kennel, the school announced that packed meals would be available for pick-up from M-A kitchens. The M-A kitchens will be providing breakfast meals from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. and lunch meals from 11:00 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. According to the California Department of Education, over 38% of the M-A population currently receives free and reduced meals from the school.

The district stated its desire to resume normal classroom instruction on Monday, April 6th following spring break. The district will review the situation and notify families by Friday, April 3rd about whether schools will reopen.

This is a developing story. Please follow the COVID-19 tab of the website for updates.

Nate Viotti is a former editor-in-chief of the M-A Chronicle and The Mark. He was a third-year journalism student, a firm believer in the power of storytelling and was committed to amplifying underrepresented student voices. He enjoyed writing stories on a range of pertinent local, national, and international political issues. He also enjoyed designing print layouts for The Mark and playing around with the web design of the online site. Outside of school, Nate enjoyed studying languages, volunteering as a Model UN chair for middle schoolers, and watching far too many legal dramas.

Sathvik Nori is a senior and one of the Editors-in-Chief of the M-A Chronicle. He enjoys writing stories about sports, the M-A community and youth issues in general. In his free time, he loves to debate, read, and spend time with friends. He is also the Student Trustee for the Sequoia Union High School District