Frederick The Squid: M-A’s Non-Binary Icon

Written by Maia Goel

This article was published in this year’s winter issue of The Mark.

@frederick_the_nonbinary_squid is an Instagram account detailing the life and events of Frederick, the squid who lives in Ms. Olson’s room. I sat down with Frederick to ask them our burning questions.

How did you meet Ms. Olson?

We met a while back. We were both going to a birthday party for a mutual friend. We met, we talked, we exchanged numbers, and then we just became friends! I moved into her room, because I was like, “Hey, we’re good buddies.”

So your full name is Frederick Toby Bader
Ginsberg. Does that mean that RBG was
part squid?

No, don’t be ridiculous. Next question.

Oh, so that means you’re part human?

Yes… One of RBG’s descendants married a squid. I don’t know what percent human I am, but I’m definitely part human. My eyes are pretty human. Secretly, I have a pair of human teeth.

What’s your favorite social media account?

The M-A Gender and Sexuality Alliance Club’s instagram account! @ma_gsa. GSA is a safe space that educates students on LGBTQ+ issues, history, and culture. All are welcome!

And your favorite post?

Probably my Halloween post because I asked people what they were for Halloween, and they had some cool responses. One person said they were a traffic cone, and I’m a sucker for good costumes like that. I was a cowboy for Halloween and blessed everyone’s feed with my sparkly, silver hat and flawless looks.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Do you have any goals with your
Instagram account?

  1. Goal One: become famous, like a household name. I’m thinking: Frederick-brand toys in
    all the markets.
  2. Goal Two: Times Square Billboard.
  3. Goal three: to just make people happy when they see a post, like, “Hey, Frederick posted today. Yay!”

Do you have a goal number of followers?

My only goal is to get to 100 followers because then you unlock more analytics tools, and I need to know why people follow me. Frederick’s goal has since been reached.

How do you feel about starring in Tentacles/being a movie star?

I’m so happy, actually—I’m a cephalopopstar! I got to sit in the fancy trailer, with the director’s seat, and I even managed to get a waterbed. I’m living my best life. I’m trying to keep the fame from getting to my head, but I have to admit…it’s hard when you’re as adorable as me! Haters are just salty.[/vc_column_text][image_with_animation image_url=”70877″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In” border_radius=”none” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”50%”][vc_column_text]

How do you feel about being a queer icon?

Amazing. All the young little students can look up and say, “Hey, that stuffed squid is just like me,” you know? I’m so happy to be able to help people understand their identity. There are a whole lot of incredible people and marine life out there who would benefit from having representation in pop culture.

Do you feel under pressure, or can you
manage that since you’re a squid?

Sometimes things can get a little deep, especially when you’re running your own Instagram account, but I like to keep things light. I like to go with the flow. I always know my posts are shore to make you laugh. I love making people happy!

Anything else to say?

Come visit me in B-3!

Sophomore Nat Barman is the photographer and social media account manager for Frederick.

Maia Goel is a senior and a first-year journalist at the M-A Chronicle. She enjoys writing about the M-A community and current events. Outside of school, she likes to dance and spend time with friends.