Girls Learn International Fights for Girls

M-A’s Girls Learn International (GLI) is a club that works to solve problems facing girls and women in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

As an advocate for universal girls’ education, club leader and M-A student Stella Kaval “wanted to help build a movement of activists for social change in our world.” They are looking to “expand GLI and help plan events for the entire school.”

GLI has signed up for multiple canning shifts and hopes “to host a movie-night event at M-A or a bake sale at a local grocery store.”

Stella Kaval (left) and Brynn Baker at the regional GLI meeting.

Kaval encourages people to join as “global youth, in particular girls, have an important role to play in starting a movement to affect change all around the world.” In joining GLI, students learn that through their own passion and commitment, they can create real solutions that address the obstacles facing girls. Kaval added, “We will be doing a lot of fun activities during lunch, one being the pen pal program with the Bumpe School in Sierra Leone.”

While GLI revolves around problems girls are facing today, Kaval stated that the club is not solely for girls. It strives for “a diverse club population, one that includes all genders.”

GLI meets in G-14 every other Friday.

Maxine is a senior and this is her first year writing for the Chronicle. Maxine’s passions for writing and current events are what sparked her interest in journalism. One of her favorite aspects of writing for the Chronicle is being able to collaborate with and getting to know a diverse collection of people in her community. Her favorite stories to write are opinion pieces which encompass the perspectives of a variety of students at Menlo-Atherton.