Student Thoughts on Quarantine Haircuts

With non-essential businesses closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, many people needing a haircut have had to trust family members to cut their hair or have done it themselves–M-A students included. 

While cutting one’s hair, especially for the first time, may seem like an impulsive decision, some insisted that the quarantine period is actually the perfect time to try it since there is plenty of time for a bad haircut to grow out. Ava Peyton, an M-A junior, said, “something that really encouraged me [to cut my hair] during the break was that if I really screwed up no one would notice.”

Junior Liana Burfoot, who cut her hair at the beginning of shelter-in-place, agreed. “I think people are cutting their hair because it’s a chance to try something new without the risk of other people negatively judging you.”

Junior Liana Burfoot cut bangs.

Other hairstyle changes, like dyeing from home, have also become common during quarantine, perhaps because of an increased sense of boredom. Junior Austin Sparrow admitted that he cut his hair partly out of boredom, and Peyton explained she chose to cut her hair because “I find it fun, and it’s pretty refreshing to have less hair to deal with.”

In order to practice social distancing, moreover, it seems as though many haircuts will have to be done from home. Sparrow said that to those wanting to cut their hair, “my advice is just to do it because you’re not going to see anyone for a while [and] hair grows back.”