Students Share Their Favorite Holiday Traditions

While it may be hard to see past finals, the holidays might just be the light at the end of the tunnel. Whether you and your friends compete for the ugliest sweater or you commit to watching every Hallmark holiday flick, holiday traditions are something to look forward to. M-A students love to celebrate and the holidays are no exception. 

Sophomore Elise Miller and her family go big on Christmas. After presents and a pancake breakfast, Miller and her family all pile onto the couch. She said, “We watch Elf every year on Christmas morning, usually still in our pajamas, with hot cocoa and marshmallows. It’s a super fun tradition.”

Freshman Sophie Mark celebrates Christmas Eve with a big family fondue dinner. Mark said, “I have a huge family, so Christmas Eve dinner is really special for all of us. We all love fondue, specifically cheese fondue, so that’s always at our Christmas Eve feast.”

Mark also celebrates Lunar New Year in February. Mark said, “In China, they celebrate the new year with fireworks and big parties. We can’t really do that here, but we still try to celebrate in some way.” Instead, Mark makes homemade dumplings with her family. “My grandma makes them from scratch, and it has become a family tradition every new year,” she said.

Junior Aiden Gabriel and his extended family head to Las Vegas every winter break to celebrate together. “We go on a scavenger hunt all over the Strip every year. It gets pretty competitive, but it’s a lot of fun!” 

Sophomore Kealy Bryman looks forward to her family’s annual holiday singalong at her grandparents’ house. “We invite some of our close friends to sing and eat, and it’s just a great time. My whole family is super musical, so we arrange some songs and print out lyrics for people to sing along. Music really brings people together, and it’s a great way to celebrate the holidays.” 

Bryman’s family also sets up menorahs to celebrate Hanukkah in the sunroom of her house and participate in a Hanukkah hunt, organized by her grandma. Bryman shared, “‘The ‘Hanukkah Fairy’ hides presents around the house. After we light the candles, we get a clue as to where to start. As we go along, we get more clues until we find the presents. It’s a super unique way we celebrate Hanukkah.”

Sophomore Jerry Williams and his family come together on Christmas Eve for a special dinner every year. He explained, “We have a big meal featuring some traditional Tongan specialties like Lu Pulu which is a dish using taro leaves, coconut milk, beef, onions, and tomatoes. It’s really good!”

However you celebrate the winter holidays, here’s to getting past finals and ringing in the new year!

Rose is a junior in her second year of journalism. She runs Bears Doing Big Things, a weekly column featuring alumni, and copy edits. She has reported on last year’s Ethnic Studies conflicts and loves writing staff features.

Michael is a senior at M-A and is in his second year in journalism. He enjoys writing about sports. In his free time, Michael likes to play soccer, surf, and mountain bike.