Style Watch: May 2024

As the weather gets warmer, students are breaking free from the constraints of heavy duty jackets and are free to show off their sunny-sky style. Take a look at some of M-A’s best summer outfits:

In flowy green pants, a lilac tank top, and chunky gold starfish jewelry, senior Sophia Melani said, “I think it’s fun to be able to express yourself and your mood with fashion.”

Sophomore Sabine Polly said, “I definitely think about the shapes of clothing, the way they look on my body, and how everything looks together.” Her outfit consisted of baggy Levi’s jeans, an oversized graphic tee, and Birkenstocks Boston Clogs.

“I am very much inspired by old wave, grunge clothing,” explained sophomore Gustav Singel. Singel sported faded gray jeans, a denim button-up shirt, and black Adidas Sambas.

Reflecting their perfectly-matched friendship, sophomores Rana Keskin and Gabby Medina twinned in cotton t-shirts and gold hoops. Keskin paired her top with comfy white sweatpants from H&M and Crocs, while Medina wore light-wash jeans from Levi’s and pristine white Nike Air Force shoes. “Pinterest is definitely one of my biggest resources for outfits,” Keskin said.

“I want to be that person people see on the street, and are like ‘I like that,’” explained senior Robin Kraemer, who was decked out in second-hand clothing from Depop, including black denim shorts and a floral halter top.

Junior Carter Arn was spotted in a color-coordinated outfit consisting of distressed baggy jeans, an oversized blue and white t-shirt, matching blue and white shoes, and a white puffer jacket. The blue and white hues in his outfit perfectly matched the sky now that the sun is out.

Junior Faith Schubin sported thrifted dark-wash jeans, a ribbed BDG white top, her dad’s oversized FedEx jacket, and a necklace from Dolma. Schubin said, “I like wearing a mix of feminine and masculine clothing.”

Becca is a junior in her second year of journalism. She enjoys writing about events impacting the M-A community and hopes to write more pop-culture based articles and opinion pieces.