
Style Watch: Nail Art

1 min read

M-A students are vibrant in their self-expression, even with one of the smallest accessories: nails.

Junior Giselle Farias Martinez blesses eyes with an emerald-green flare. “I get them done in San Jose––my cousin does them,” she said. “I just like to be extra and I like color. It adds a bit of sparkle.” Martinez tries to always have her nails done. “I end up feeling naked when I don’t have them,” she said.

Senior Maria Jakovljevic’s unique salmon nails are sure to spark a conversation. “I do them in my own bedroom,” she said. “I usually look to Pinterest for designs. I have a whole board saved. I lean more towards designs that are imperfect and show the artist’s hand more.” When asked what they mean to her, she said, “My nails connect me to my femininity.”

Sophomore Stephanie Suarez’s nails sparkle in the sun with glamor and elegance. She also uses Pinterest or her friends for inspiration and gets them done in San Jose.

Senior Anya Perazich’s classy olive-green nails are perfect to elevate any look. “I get my nails done at Precious Nails in Redwood City and I like it because it’s really cheap,” she said. “I get designs from Pinterest, but these aren’t very detailed because I wanted to go pretty basic so it matches my school outfits.” 

She continued, “I hated getting my nails done my entire life, and then I got them for prom because everybody else did. Now I just can’t stop getting them because they make me feel more confident.”

Senior Thea Shih rocks bright red-orange nails that are perfect for summer. “I actually buy them from Urban Outfitters,” she said. “They’re called Chill Tips, and I just stick them on myself. They’re cheap too.” 

Shih explained, “I find a lot of designs on Pinterest or I’ll just do whatever they have available. I like simple stuff.” 

She concluded, “I like how they make me feel, and I feel like I can leave the house without any jewelry. I feel so feminine and ready. When I’m grabbing stuff it looks so dainty and I feel so cute. I also like the sounds they make.”

Senior Isabelle McGovern sports eye-catching psychedelic designs. “I do them myself, these are press-ons,” she said. “A little bit of everything inspires me. These are a bit out there for me, I just think they’re fun.”

She explained, “It’s kind of hard to use them sometimes but I can’t wear nail polish because I pick it off in a day. So this allows me to have colored nails that last a bit longer.”

Leehan is a senior and this is her first year in journalism. She finds interest in fashion, the arts, and M-A’s diverse student life.

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