What Do Seniors Wish They Knew in Freshman Year?

Every year, freshmen face rigorous coursework, demanding schedules, and general difficulties as they transition from middle school to high school. While entering a brand new campus can be an intimidating experience for many, M-A prepares new students with an abundance of resources, and returning students are more than happy to give their sincere insight to struggling freshmen.

What the Freshmen Said:

Freshman Willow Basta said, “I was worried I wouldn’t be able to handle being on a dance team and in Leadership along with my other extracurriculars.”

Freshman Hayden Brongersma said, “I was a little scared going into freshman year but my senior sister had already been going to M-A with no problems”.

What the Seniors Said:

Senior Carlos Myers-Asencio said, “Enjoy your first year, but also try to get ahead on your work; it’s always nice at the end of the week to know that you’ve already gotten it out of the way.”

He also shared, “Going into freshman year I was worried about making friends because we had just come back from quarantine. It’s a lot easier if you’re open with other people which may seem scary, but it’s not as bad as it seems.”

Senior Aidan Doherty advised, “You should only take a reasonable amount of AP classes. My junior year got pretty hectic, so I’d probably cut the number of APs down.”

Senior Allison Hurley said, “I was scared of turning my camera on freshman year and now I show up in person every single day. I think that is a pretty big improvement.”

The Takeaway:

Freshmen will continue to adjust to the newfound expectations and requirements of high school life. Luckily, they have the wisdom of those who came before to help them. So the next time you see a senior walking down the halls or sitting next to you in class, don’t be shy – say hi! We all remember our own exciting yet jarring freshmen year and would love to help you out.

Tiffany is a senior at M-A. She enjoys writing about local events and culture on campus. She is also a member of M-A’s Dance Team and dances competitively.