
M-A Plans for a Unique 2021 Graduation

1 min read

Cover Photo Credit: Lena Kalotihos 

With the new semester in full swing, and in person school resuming on April 5, many seniors are wondering what the graduation plans are.   

The administration and PTA are planning for multiple different scenarios. According to Administrative Vice Principal Stephen Emmi, “we are really planning three different scenarios that have to be ready to go.” When graduation gets closer, administration will select whichever scenario makes the most sense.

The first scenario would be a fully virtual graduation, like what was done for the class of 2020. The second scenario would be where students come onto campus to receive their diplomas in groups, and the ceremony would be broadcasted. The third would have only the graduates come with their caps and gowns, and there would be a full ceremony in three different groups, this scenario would also be broadcasted to families who choose to stay at home. 

M-A Principal Simone Rick-Kennel added that there will be “some virtual piece of the graduation because there will still probably be families or graduates who aren’t comfortable with participating in person.” Essentially, since it is unlikely that there will be a completely normal graduation, there will definitely be some virtual aspects for it.

To compensate for the loss of a normal graduation, according to Senior Maya Kennedy leadership has “booked a stand-up comedian named Clara BIJL to perform virtually for the senior class,” which will take place on March 5 at 4:00pm. Earlier in the day, on March 5, at 6:30am, leadership is hosting a senior sunrise on the M-A field.

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