
M-A Writing Center Excels

1 min read

The Writing Center is a renowned station for students to conquer their writing homework. This center is inspired by one you might find in college. The fusion of a calm environment with supportive tutors is something that all students can appreciate. It is convenient to all students of any writing class, from AP Literature to U.S. History, and is an asset that everyone ought to use. Situated in room G-9, it is staffed with knowledgeable and helpful tutors.

It is not merely for homework, but also for enhancing writing abilities. Tutor Deborah Denny noted that the Center “helps with grammar, organization, clarity, it also helps with how students convey their ideas.” Denny said the Writing Center is “wonderful, it’s done very well and I think every year that we’ve had, it’s gotten more student participation, more students willing to come to the writing centre because it is free tutoring.”

The Writing Center has given a countless number of students the convenience to the take on and vanquish tough assignments. Student Hunter Wright, a 10th grader, said, “it is a quiet place to help you and a really great after school place.” This is exactly its intent; the Writing Center is a place for students to be productive while also enjoying the support that is offered by the accommodating staff members.

This center was created through the M-A Foundation as a means to help students who were struggling in some of the lower-level classes. In its five years of existence, it has been expanded to serve all high school grade levels. Open Mondays through Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:30, it is a prime opportunity for students to complete their homework before they leave school.

The Writing Center is staffed with two tutors, and these tutors help all the students in the center. Two may not seem like a large number, but the goal is to teach the students to write independently and with less assistance as a preparation to get them ready for higher education. The tutors make sure to offer help to all the students in the center in order to create a positive learning experience.

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