
Newly Elected Senior Class Presidents Plan for the Coming Year

1 min read

After much uncertainty regarding whether or not class presidential elections were to be held this year, leadership decided to continue the M-A tradition with the conventional class presidential election. Two pairs of juniors ran for the senior class co-presidential positions: Rachel Park with Maya Kennedy, and Peter Koenig with Alex Waitz, with Koenig and Alex ultimately elected by the student body. 

In a live debate via zoom with over 70 viewers, the two pairs of candidates spelled out their plans for the coming year. Koenig and Waitz’s campaign platform responded to students’ feelings of uncertainty about what promises could be reasonably fulfilled in the year to come. Koenig and Waitz’s campaign Instagram posted: “We’re not down to make manipulative and unrealistic promises” and indicated that they can confidently promise events such as a senior exclusive “water balloon fight”, a “senior dinner”, and food trucks for the entire student body to enjoy.  

Following their election victory, Waitz and Koenig say,  “Many thanks to our peers for giving us this opportunity. We’re excited to make the best of senior year, regardless of what school looks like. The senior class can look forward to a year  of activities that will have something for everyone. They can also count on more robust communications between leadership, the administration, and the student body.”

Brynn Baker is a senior and a third-year journalist with the Chronicle. She looks forward to covering issues that are relevant to both her local community as well as the larger, national scale.

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