Satire: A Truly Transcendent Textbook

I’m done with my homework. I’ve solved all the problems, responded to every discussion post, and studied each flashcard. It took a few hours, but I’m definitely proud of myself for such a productive day. I had work and practice after school, so it’s pretty late at night, and I’m ready to fall asleep with some light reading. 

Reading calms me; it refocuses my thoughts and allows me to escape into a world beyond the mundane existence I’ve become used to as a high school student. I turn the lights down low, and get ready to cozy up with my favorite novel. It’s a pretty light read, nothing too intense. I grab it from the nightstand with a soft smile, because this is truly my greatest joy. The title in big bold letters reads THE PRACTICE OF STATISTICS: UPDATED, and my heart warms knowing I’m in for a treat. I’m pretty far into it—Chapter 6. 

As I read through the word problems, I grow excited for the end. Not because I’m bored, but because I know what lies in that last chapter—the answer section. My cheeks warm at the thought of knowing these solutions. I’ve even dreamt about it, which is probably the result of sleeping with the book under my pillow after I’m done reading for the night. 

I’m especially excited to see the solution to part B of problem #67 in Chapter 4. It’s been bothering me for the past few weeks. I’ve even come close to the temptation of flipping to the end, but I know this is a violation of the authors’ master plan. In Starnes and Tabor we trust, I mentally repeat. 

I don’t see why this book isn’t a New York Times bestseller. My statistics teacher recommended it to help further my understanding, since the content didn’t make much sense to the class when he explained it. I’m so glad he did. This novel has been my constant companion for the past few months, and I really feel like it’s enriched my life. I recommend that you all read it. Even if you aren’t taking a statistics course, it truly is invigorating. It’s managed to single-handedly not only revitalize my love of learning but increase it tenfold, turning it into an absolute adoration of all things arithmetic.

Kira Jones was a senior at M-A. She was in journalism for one year but she loved writing and researching about the history of fashion trends well before. She hoped to continue journalism in college.